Even though it may be hard to believe, the cold and flu illnesses can affect your smile in numerous ways. In fact, they can cause toothaches, enamel erosion, and other inconvenient and troublesome dental issues. Because of this, it’s important to take good care of your smile while you are under the weather. You can do so by doing the following things:
–Brush your teeth: Being sick can be extremely tiring, but that doesn’t mean you should forget to clean your smile. Please remember to brush your teeth for at least two minutes each time. This will eliminate the harmful bacteria from your teeth. If possible, please floss as well.
–Drink plenty of liquids: If you stay hydrated, you can recover and heal quicker. You can also avoid the dental issue dry mouth. If you’re low on saliva, there is a chance tooth decay can attack your smile, so make sure you drink plenty of water and juice.
–Toss your toothbrush: Once your sickness leaves your body, make sure to throw your toothbrush away. This is important because your toothbrush would be infected with germs and bacteria. You don’t want to brush with a contaminated toothbrush, do you?
–Rinse with salt water: It’s best to reduce the bacteria in your mouth by gargling with salt water for at least a minute. This helps kill harmful bacteria and plaque. To make the rinse, put a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
–Take sugar-free medication: Unfortunately, many cough syrups and medications are doused with sugar to make them more enjoyable. This is unfortunate because the sugar can attack your smile and cause cavities. So, it’s best to stick to taking sugar-free medications.
Doing these things will help you have a top-notch oral health while you’re recovering. For more information and details about how to take good care of your smile while you are sick, please call Shelly Ereth Barone at 504-832-1164 as soon as you can. Dr. Shelly Ereth Barone and our dental team are more than happy to help you in any way we can, and we look forward to hearing from you!